Attic Mold Removal in Toronto & GTA
When we took on our first attic mold removal project, there was very little information covering this remediation work in detail. We had to apply what we knew from our typical indoor commercial or residential mold removal work and apply it to the new environment while adhering to health and safety regulations associated with working in confined spaces. Based on what we knew at the time, we had to isolate and pressurize the attic and physically grind out the mold while operating HEPA filtration equipment to trap as much of the mold covered wood dust as possible. This was followed by a succession of surface cleaning processes. It was extremely labour intensive and very expensive. After moving on to newer attic mold removal methods, there was still the occasional project where HEPA sanding made sense and was still effective. Now it is somewhat obsolete and is something we would occasionally use during indoor mold removal activities.
Dry Ice Blasting
The switch to using blasting methods to clean mold in attic sheathing, trusses and rafters was an appreciated step forward in attic mold remediation. The goal is to blast the top layer of the wood surfaces off and thereby removing the mold with it. There is a common misconception that the dry ice is applied and actually acts as a mold killing agent, but this is not the case; the mold in attic needs to be aerosolized and then HEPA extracted or cleaned.
To make things go a lot smoother, we also incorporated truck-mount HEPA extraction units to remove attic insulation prior to beginning the attic mold cleaning work. This is a heavy-duty way to turn a 12 hour long process into a 3 hour one that saves you a lot of time and money.
Soda, sand, and glass bead blasting are alternative methods, but similar to dry ice. The primary difference being that the sand, glass, or soda media remains behind and needs to be cleaned whereas the dry ice conveniently evaporates.
Chemical washing
This method has gone through a few stages in itself, but is easily the quickest and most cost effective way to remove and clean mold in attic. As with any product, there are usually a few brands and we've tried them all. After extensive testing, we feel we have the best product to get your attic as clean as absolutely possible. We utilize a spray and agitate method when cleaning mold from your attic that we've found to produce the best end result and sets us apart from the rest. We also have a few other tricks up our sleeve that ensure our work outperforms the competition.
It is important to note that there are some encapsulating products that are on the market that leave the discoloration behind while claiming to kill all the mold. It may be true under some circumstances, but we've repeatedly had to verify other companies' work using a media swab only to find that this is not the case. If you can remove all the visible mold, it is very difficult to determine where work has been performed and what surfaces still need to be treated within the attic. It is best to avoid a "spray and walk away" method unless you are certain the work is being done correctly.
Call us! When it comes to attic mold removal in Toronto, Mississauga & GTA reagion, we are the go-to mold cleaning and remediation firm. Let us walk you through the mold cleaning process. We'll help recommend the best remediation method to meet your requirements in the most cost effective way possible.